4 Voltage 4 Current Input Card for PQM-200 - NEO Messtechnik
4 Voltage 4 Current Input Card for PQM-200 - NEO Messtechnik
Add rack to NEO Messtechnik PQM-200 consisting of 4 voltage and 4 current inputs. The voltage inputs have a +/-1,600V range, 6kV channel to channel isolation. The current inputs can receive 1A or 5A secondary. 24bits, 144KS/s simultaneous ADC. Choose your termination either Banana (B), LEMO (L), DSUB9 (D), or screw termination. (S)
Termination Legend
BL: Banana connector for voltage input, LEMO connector for current input
SL: Screw terminal connector for voltage input, LEMO connector for current input
SD: Screw terminal connector for voltage input, DSUB9 connector for current input
SS: Screw terminal connector for voltage and current input