Collection: ELSPEC PQSCADA Sapphire Power Quality Management Software

PQSCADA Sapphire delivers a cohesive experience across all data sources and power quality devices, ensuring comprehensive functionality and enhanced speed for data exploration, analysis, and visualization. It is available in Express, Professional, and Enterprise Server Editions, allowing full customization by the user. Simply select your desired PQ Sapphire edition and features, choose the number of Elspec and Third-Party components, and specify the number of concurrent users.

Compare ELSPEC PQSCADA Sapphire Software Editions

Use our comparison table to help you choose the right ELSPEC PQSCADA Edition for your needs. Express, Professional, and Enterprise Server are License-based Editions and vary by features and scalability. Enterprise Server Edition allows you to select the number of concurrent users, additional ELSPEC components, and non-Elspec components. Compatible with ELSPEC hardware or Any Third Party Device, it incorporates powerful analytical capabilities and customization options to meet the needs of each individual user.